Dr Simon Ruffell is an engaging and experienced speaker who discusses wide-ranging topics including science, spirituality, ethics, and mental health.
A selection of podcasts, interviews, talks, and articles featuring Dr Ruffell are linked below.
As featured in:
Plant spirit teachers: learning from the elder plants
Ayahuasca research
The language of nature
The rise of ayahuasca in mental health treatment
Rediscovering psychedelics (with Amanda Fielding and Dr Ben Sessa)
The science and philosophy of ayahuasca
Ayahuasca, epigenetics, mental health and the healing of trauma
The pearls of our sanity
Talks & Interviews
The benefits of plant-based medicine
Ayahuasca, entities, and Shipibo science
Should psychedelics be used in medicine?
Ayahuasca: from the jungle to the lab
Set, setting and transcultural psychiatry
Ayahuasca (with Professor David Nutt)
How does psychedelic-assisted therapy differ in clinical and retreat settings? (with Dr Ros Watts)
Ayahuasca, psilocybin and the Peruvian Amazon
Modulatory effects of ayahuasca on personality structure (with Nige Netzband)